
How To Remove A Casement Window

Casement windows have a design that uses a crank handle to open and close the windows instead of sliding them, which helps make them less drafty and more attractive. Even so, like anything that moves, it tends to intermission downwardly from time to time, requiring repairs. If your window needs fixing, just yous aren't sure where to start, we're hither to assistance. Continue reading for a step-past-step guide to replacing your casement windows and getting them to work similar new.

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Replacing a Casement Window

Getting Prepared

To replace a casement window, yous will need to remove the molding around the window inside and out. You may besides need to remove shingles or siding to gain access to the frame, which is a trivial beyond the scope of this article, so nosotros recommend hiring a professional if yous don't have experience with shingles or siding. Notwithstanding, many repairs won't require these extra steps.

man doing window repair
Image Credit: Pixel-Shot, Shutterstock

Get Your Tools Together

We recommend that you gather your tools before you begin your project, so you don't need to make any unexpected stops to run for supplies. Once you get started, you lot will have a big pigsty in your home or garage until you finish, and so information technology's better to take the time to plan. Here is what you will demand:

  • Tape measure
  • Hammer
  • Putty knife
  • Pry bar
  • Woods mucilage
  • Cat'south hand boom puller
  • Level
  • Wood wedges
  • Water seal gasket
  • v-inch galvanized roofing nails
  • Finishing nails
  • Replacement window

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The 12 Steps to Supercede Casement Windows

ane. Measure the Window

The starting time matter that you will need to practise when you decide to supersede your casement window is to mensurate it to get the right-sized replacement. Measure the height and width of the drinking glass part of the window several times until yous get a matching number, so you know that you lot've measured correctly, and write downwards the numbers. Some casement windows will have a model number etched into them, which will brand information technology easier to order replacements. Try to social club the same make if possible, and utilize the numbers y'all've written down if you can't.

handyman installing window
Image Credit: Hryshchyshen Serhii, Shutterstock

two. Remove the Trim

One time your replacement window arrives and y'all audit it to brand sure it's similar to the i currently installed, it'southward time to remove the molding around the window on the inside of your home using a putty knife and a hammer. If yous are careful and don't attempt to work besides rapidly, you should be able to get the molding off without breaking information technology, and you should be able to reuse information technology. If you lot get a small crack, y'all might be able to repair information technology with woods mucilage, but you lot'll need to replace information technology if in that location is too much damage. Once the molding starts to lift away from the wall, a modest crowbar may be able to help you remove information technology more quickly.

three. Remove Extension Jams

Next, you volition need to remove the extension jams that fill the space between the window frames and the molding. Like the molding, these boards might be somewhat delicate and are held in place by only a few finishing nails, and then it shouldn't be too difficult to remove them the same way as the molding.

window repair
Paradigm Credit: Try_my_best, Shutterstock

4. Pull Out the Roofing Nails Belongings the Window Flange

Next, we volition need to movement exterior to remove the roofing nails through the flange property the window in place. If you lot have siding or shingles covering the window flange, you lot must remove them to expose the nails. We recommend using a hammer, along with a cat'south paw, to take hold of the nails so they will come up out hands, equally there are typically quite a few around the flange. Leave the height eye nail until last to forestall the window from falling out while you are working.

v. Remove the Window

The window should come up out easily with all the roofing nails removed from the flange. Nonetheless, nosotros recommend getting a helper as some windows can be quite heavy. Set the window aside to keep working once it is free of the house.

man removing old window
Image Credit: Africa Studio, Shutterstock

half-dozen. Fix the Frame

Adjacent, bank check that the new widow fits correctly. Set that aside, and bank check your frame to make sure it's level. There is a good chance that it is considering information technology already had a window in information technology, but you lot tin can add together wooden wedges to make information technology straight if it isn't.

7. Apply a H2o Seal Gasket

Now you will need to apply a water seal gasket on the outside of the house. It needs to run along the frame at the bottom and sides of the window. Y'all will likewise place a slice on the bottom of the frame over the windowsill. This gasket volition prevent moisture from entering your home, which can compromise your energy efficiency and cause deterioration of the frame.

basement window repair
Prototype Credit: Pavel Fifty Photo and Video, Shutterstock

8. Install the New Window

Now it's time to put the new window in place. Check it one more time to brand sure information technology'due south level, and make whatsoever adjustments before y'all begin to hammer the roofing nails into the flange of your new window. Start by hammering in the top heart boom to keep the window stable while you complete your work. Then, install a roofing nail through the center of every other hole in the flange effectually your new window.

9. Place a Strip of H2o Seal Gasket Over the Top of the Flange

Later all the nails are in identify, you will need to add a strip of water seal gasket over the top of the flange to assist keep out moisture and to foreclose pelting from leaking behind the flange and entering the house.

man insulates the window
Image Credit: Aleksey Kurguzov, Shutterstock

10. Supercede the Extension Jams

Inside the home, information technology's fourth dimension to replace the extension jams to make full in the area betwixt the window frame and the molding. Hopefully, you were able to remove them without causing whatever damage, and you tin speedily hammer them dorsum in place. If some boards have as well much damage to apply again, y'all might demand to purchase replacements at your local hardware store.

11. Replace The Molding

With the extension jambs in position, it'south time to replace the molding. Hopefully, you lot can use all of the same wood for this step. That said, we recommend replacing the finishing nails.

man repairing window
Image Credit: Elizaveta Galitckaia, Shutterstock

12. Paint

Even if you tin get the molding and the extension jams off the frame without breaking them, the putty knife and prybar can scrape and remove paint, so you'll likely need to repaint the frame when yous finish installing the window to complete your project.

Related Read: How to Fix a Gap Between a Window and Frame in 9 Steps

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While quite a few steps are involved, it'due south not that difficult to alter a casement window if you lot take your fourth dimension and don't effort to rush through it. The molding and extension jams are peculiarly troublesome considering they can be difficult to supervene upon and are easy to intermission. The water seal gasket helps prevent moisture from creeping behind the flange, which can cause premature failure in the window and other harm to your home.

Featured Image Credit: Andrew Angelov, Shutterstock


  • i Replacing a Casement Window
    • one.1 Getting Prepared
    • 1.2 Become Your Tools Together
  • 2 The 12 Steps to Supersede Casement Windows
    • ii.1 1. Measure the Window
    • 2.2 2. Remove the Trim
    • two.3 3. Remove Extension Jams
    • ii.4 iv. Pull Out the Roofing Nails Holding the Window Flange
    • 2.5 5. Remove the Window
    • ii.half-dozen 6. Set up the Frame
    • 2.7 seven. Apply a Water Seal Gasket
    • ii.8 8. Install the New Window
    • 2.ix 9. Place a Strip of H2o Seal Gasket Over the Top of the Flange
    • 2.10 10. Supervene upon the Extension Jams
    • 2.11 eleven. Replace The Molding
    • 2.12 12. Paint
  • iii Summary


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